
Copyrights 101

We take publishing rights, copyright laws, and intellectual property very seriously. If you are not the creator of both the text and music, you must procure the right to publish and sell your composition. In some cases (such as with Liturgical Texts), SLC will help. You must also make sure your Copyright Notice is written comprehensively and accurately on your PDF. Below, you will find links to a collection of information to help you do this.

General Copyright Guidelines

For each title uploaded, you will need to validate what type of rights you currently have.  There are four options:

  • Original Text: the text is entirely originally yours and you own publishing rights.
  • Arrangement of Public Domain Work: you have arranged a public domain work and provided details on your unique arrangement of the public domain work.
  • Arrangement of a Non-Liturgical Text Copyrighted Work: you have personally acquired legal clearance and worldwide rights from the copyright owner to sell this arrangement of a copyrighted text that is not from the Lectionary, Roman Missal, or other official liturgical text.  We reserve the right to request and review any copyright documentation for such titles. 
  • Arrangement of a Liturgical Text Copyrighted Work: you have arranged a copyrighted text from the Lectionary, Roman Missal, or other official liturgical text. In this case, you may either acquire legal clearance and worldwide rights from the copyright owner or ask SLC to do so on your behalf.  More information about this can be found on our Liturgical Texts page. 

Copyright Infringement

We have a zero tolerance policy on copyright infringement. Any titles found to violate copyright laws will be immediately removed and no commissions on these titles will be paid. Repeated offenses will result in the full removal of your account, including all live titles.

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